B.C. has to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. Yeah, I know that statement is a little cliche already, but it's still true. I don't know of very many other places where you can go from a gorgeous coastline and downtown to a desert to the most amazing mountain range In. The. World. The Rockies are by far one of the most mesmerizing things I've ever seen. Driving through them at one point I was speechless. I was trying to put into words what I was thinking about them... I was intimidated by their hugeness; I felt inferior. It actually felt like they weren't inanimate, that they had personalities. They seemed to me like they were standing straight up, shoulders back, stomach in, chin up. They exuded confidence.
Ok, by now you might think I'm a little crazy here. They're just mountains, you're thinking. Well, to me they're much more. To me they emit the presence of God. The beauty and greatness of God. Driving through the Rockies is a non-stop worship experience.
Anyway... last week we met up in Waterton National Park with my husband's family. We spent a week camping there which was a first for us, well, with a baby that is. Cheyenne has never camped before and we were anxious as to how she would handle it. Turns out she's a true outdoors woman! =) The only problem was how quickly she could bend down, grab a rock and put it in her mouth. That meant not much sit down time for her parents. Another first for us for this camping trip was that we had a new "roof over our heads". Gone are the days of camping in a tent. That's right. We're camping in style now. We bought a 1980 Bonair tent trailer. Yup. It's true. We're rocking out the retro orange plaid fabrics! It was pretty sweet. I only took pictures of it with our point and shoot camera which I haven't uploaded to our computer yet so I have no pictures of it as of yet.
Here's a few pictures I took from our drive.
Cameron Lake
My daughter has a bigger shoe collection than me already. These are her latest purchase. I love the gold!
My SIL and BIL and nephew are so photogenic!
"Are we done yet?"
No, I didn't style my hair like this on purpose. It was a little windy in Waterton!

Taken from our campground.
These signs were all over the place because the deer roamed around all over the place. My interpretation of this sign is "Caution: Deer may sporadically dance with humans."

On our drive home... the sky was gorgeous and you can see the Rockies in the back.
Our snacks on the drive home.

I had to catch up on some major reading! I read one Nicholas Sparks book on the way there (The Lucky One) and The First Song on the way home. I'm still not done this one though!

Check out our sweet Bonair trailing behind us.

That's about it. It sure was nice to be in my own bed last night. Cheyenne has been sleeping great since we got home, too. Unfortunately, she got sick a few days ago with a fever and has been throwing up on and off since then. Now James and I have sore throats and runny noses, too. Hopefully that's as far as it'll go.
I'm looking forward to July! Lots of photo shoots planned and my birthday is at the end of the month. Plus, I'm going to be working on my website throughout the summer so I can launch it by September, if all goes according to plan.
Hope you all had a great week!