This fall is an extra special one for me for a few reasons. First of all, my husband and I will celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary on October 15. That's reason enough to celebrate ALL season long! But this fall I will also be shooting my first weddings. And it'll be Cheyenne's first fall to actually splash in the puddles and roll in the leaves!
Speaking of Cheyenne, have I mentioned how outgoing and flirty and NOT shy this girl is? haha. I love taking her shopping to the mall or grocery store because she has to say hi to every. single. person. Complete with an extended arm waving to them and a cute little "hi". It's enough to make everyone smile and stop for a little visit! Even this tough looking beef cake (yes, I actually used that term. haha. What, is it 1980 all of a sudden?) let out a laugh and said hi back to her. At times I'm almost embarrassed at Cheyenne's constant "hi" "hi" "hi". Sometimes I let her talk to the innocent shoppers while I grab whatever grocery item is nearby that I was looking for. She can handle herself quite well on her own! haha. Old ladies are her biggest fans, that's for sure.
The crazy busy-ness of photography is slowly fading out. I have some kind of shoot every Saturday for the next few weeks, including 3 weddings (two are my own, and one I'll be second shooting). That means that my week days are also slowing down which is good and bad. It's good because that means I can spend less time on the computer. But it's bad because now I have to find other ways to entertain myself and my toddler! Time to start enrolling in some play groups and making more mommy and baby friends so we have people to hang out with during the day!
With fewer photo shoots happening, it also means less shoots to blog which means more personal posts. I want to write often. I just don't know what to write about! No use rambling about nothing! So, any suggestions? Anything you'd like to know about me or my life? About my photography? Anything? Feel free to comment or email me with any ideas!
Here's some pictures I took of Cheyenne the other day. She wanted to put on her winter jacket so I obliged. Then she wanted to put her vest on over top. Sure thing, Kiddo!

Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday!
you could always post photography tips or blurbs about your gear/review type posts!
ReplyDeleteGood idea! I'll make note of that!