
|MY NEPHEWS| children

We're going to do a bit of time traveling, back to our trip to Manitoba in April. I got a little side tracked when we got back so I didn't get a chance to edit these pictures until recently. (Sorry for the delay, Erin!) While we were visiting we had a wiener roast one night, which is another Voth tradition of some sort (I married into a family of many traditions... I love it!), and I figured that was as good a time as any to get out my camera and get in people's faces! =)

Anyway, here's some shots of 4 very photogenic boys!


  1. They are awesome! Love them all! The one of Reid with the chip is the best.

  2. I love that one too!!! There's more of that look that you'll get on the CD! =)

  3. Look at the eyes on Reid! The chip one is the best for sure!! And man alive that table cloth STILL exists??? Great pics Vanessa!

  4. haha... that table cloth is epic! It actually kind of matches our "new" tent trailer! Maybe I should see if I can buy it off Mom. ;)


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